Eleições na Bélgica

"Politics are much more interesting in Belgium. Here in the US, we have debates over various issues, whether they are taxes, the war in Iraq, terrorism, foreign policy, whatever. Serious issues to be sure, but quite honestly not particularly interesting.

Over in Belgium, the NEE party is a bit fed up with the other candidates. Several parties have made some outlandish promises for job opportunities. There’s nothing worse than politicians making promises they can’t keep. So in response, the NEE party started a campaign, in which one of the candidates, a certain Tania Derveaux, posed naked, and promised 400,000 new jobs to her country. In case you didn’t catch on, the campaign is a parody, and designed to get attention.

Get attention it did. Hundreds of people emailed Tania, and said they would prefer to get 400,000 blowjobs instead. Tania was afraid of doing permanent damage to her jaw, as 400,000 is certainly an awful lot of blowjobs. As a compromise, Tania Derveaux has decided to give 40,000 blowjobs to further her party’s cause. To accomplish this, Tania would tour the world for 500 days non-stop, giving an impressive 80 blowjobs per day.

For those whose wives wouldn’t approve of recieving a blowjob from a Belgian politician, you also have the choice of recieving it virtually, via Second Life."

Aqui está o boletim de inscrição para os broches, no site do Partido

E aqui um video demonstrativo sobre o tema que vale a pena ver.

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